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Showing posts from January, 2013

Sapota/Chikku Milkshake

I have noticed that my son follows a cycle when it comes to drinking milk.....He would gulp down his milk with no fuss for few days; next few days with a litle fuss but still would manage with cornflakes or chocos along with it and finally he would totally refuse it!!! This is when milkshakes come to rescue....I had few home-grown chikkoos with me, which I had brought down when I had gone for holidays.....So, this time the chikkos saved me.....   Moreover, chikko milkshake reminds me of a famous restaurant in Bangalore...I think it was known as Kebab Corner. They were famous for their shawarmas and chikko milkshakes. They had a shop in Jaynagar, which was quite close to our college. We used to go there once in a while to have dinner....They used to serve ice-cold chikko milkshake and it was quite filling tooo!! I miss those days....   Ingredients: Recipe Source: My own Chikku/sapota - 2 nos Milk - 2 cups Sugar - 2-3 tsp Method: Combine all the ingredien

My New Year Resolutions

Well, well, well......2013 is here and its almost a month since the New Year......hmmm.... and still I haven't blogged anything!!! Not that I have got bored of baking...but as a part of my New Year resolution I decided to stay away (not completely though)  from blogs and facebook so that I could spend some time with my kids.......Moreover, I need to catch up with my reading (another resolution) as I feel so lost for words these days....So to begin with, I have picked up Kiran Desai's Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard....So far good.....   Meanwhile, I did find time to make some of these Cake Pops out of the marble cake I had brought from home.....Well, not quite impressive but kids would surely enjoy it.......     Ingredients: Recipe Adpted from Rachel Allen's Cake   Dark/White Chocolate - 175 gm Marble Cake or any sponge cake - 350gm   For the chocolate coating Dark chocolate - 400 gm   Lollipop sticks or tooth picks - 12-14   Method: