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Showing posts from June, 2013

Pomegranate Red Wine Panna Cotta

I have tasted panna cottas in hotels and never really liked it. To me, they were bland! So, when I came across this simple and easy recipe on Pastry Affair , I wanted to try it the very moment.... But somehow, it kept on postponing...I even thought of making them on Valentine's Day as it would be a perfect dessert for the day but since we had guests, didn't bother!!  Finally, yesterday when I had some free time, I decided to give it a try. Since it was my first attempt with panna cottas, I decided to keep it minimal. However, it was a success at home and my people loved them. If making for kids, you could avoid the wine syrup and use any fruit coulis instead, as the wine syrup was a bit sharp in taste for the kids!! Ingredients:  Recipe Source: Pastry Affair For the Panna Cotta Unflavored gelatin - 2 1/4 tsps Cold Water - 3 tbsps Heavy Cream - 1 cup Milk - 1 cup Granulated sugar - 1/4 cup Salt - a pinch Vanilla essence - 2 tsps For the Red Wine

Espresso Choco-Chip Bundt Cake

"No matter how dreary and gray our homes are, we people of flesh and blood would rather live there than in any other country, be it ever so beautiful. There is no place like home." L. FRANK BAUM, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Though I am happy to be free from my vacation hangover; deep inside I miss the vacation.... We had a wonderful time in Kerala. The best part of the trip was the to and fro train journeys. The kids were totally excited especially my little one as this was her first journey by train ... When we reached Kerala it was blazing but it started pouring like anything towards the end of our vacation. They were days when we hardly saw the sun !! Come rain or shine, the kids had a marvelous time…. And me; I had a delicious time having mangoes, jackfruits and of course mummy-made food … yum yum… . Oh!! How I miss all this…… Anyways coming back to today's recipe... . I bookmarked this recipe in my mind the day it was posted on Divya'